Saturday, September 27, 2008

For the Love of Dogs

I know we have all heard that a dog is man's best friend. I recently learned that a man(person) is a dog's best friend as well. To me, that means there is a very strong relationship between a dog and a human being.

What a lovely thing to have!!! And I am beginning to suspect that we can have similar relationships with all animals. But dogs do seem to be so special!

Today I met a wonderful little Pappion (sp?). He was the happiest guy. All dogs are usually friendly, but this fellow just radiated friendliness. Of course, I responded in a positive way to him and you know, it felt good to enjoy that little dog. It felt wonderful to see him enjoy it too.

I was his best friend for those few moments and he was mine. Lovely!!

So, as a housesitter, I get the distinct pleasure to sit with many, many dogs. Each one is an individual, each one wants nothing more than to please me (and get a few doggie treats!). And I believe I benefit from it.

So thank you all you dogs that have been my best friend. I hope you found me a best friend too!


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