Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Living in Someone Else's House - 1

When I stay in another person's space, I first come into the space without my suitcases, food sacks or any other items. I generally spend time talking with and reaquainting myself with the dogs.

Then, I take in the environment. I check out where things are, what space needs to be changed or moved to include my presence and gradually, very gradually, I begin to make it my own. The ease with which I do this is a constant challenge to me.

I live alone (grandchildren and visiting family and friends not withstanding). I miss a daily compainion at times. Housesitting with dogs is a good way to fill that void without having the full responsibility of a relationship with another person or the constant caretaking of a pet.

By the third day it usually happens that the house feels less foreign and more "mine". The dogs are more bonded with me, our routine established. I still keep my own things orderly, watch for crumbs and dust and I put things away exactly where I found them whenever possible. The challenge is to recreate a space for myself while maintaining the homeowner's space for them.

In a way, the house becomes mine. Usually, I spend sometime outdoors as most homes have lovely patio areas, often natural landscapes as well. I especially like to go out at sunset. Watching the light fade, sitting in the quiet at the end of a day always calms me and the dogs seem to like it as well.

We sit and we look. The light changes slowly but always there is more to watch. I feel closest to the dogs at this time. It's as though we share an animal sense of light and shapes and sounds together. We both seem to know when it is over and return quietly to the indoor environment.

I slowly get up and comment "Well, Flora or Buddy or Shadow or whoever I'm with at the time, let's go in." And so the short evening begins. The evening s are short ecause every dog I'vee sat with goes to bed early. Some go to sleep as early as 7:30 and non later than 8:30.

Like small children, there is a relief when the dog or dogs go to sleep. But, like little children, they will get up early too. So, I bgin my own healthy, wealthy and wise routines by going Early to bed because I know it is early to rise.

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